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A working environment that actually works!

The classic image of a member of staff who comes in the office in the early morning with a lunchbox is going to disappear. The technological revolution does not only ensure the enrichment of the facility management idiom but also gives new impetus to the workplace of tomorrow. It also invites to reflect on how the office building of the future will look like.

A working environment that actually works!

The workplace phenomenon of is the focal point of current events. In the media we are flooded with articles about changes in the office environment and what effects these have on the employee.

What drives people to come to the office every day?

A new theme will soon be added to these fascinating series of stories: understanding the human being in the working environment. What drives people to come to the office in the first place, what type of work is done and what facilities are needed for that?

Another fresh wind  blows in the corporatte world after years of focus on the business side of things. The price tag of the workplace is known by now and the occupancy ratio has reached its lowest point putting the new way of working themes more prominent on the agenda of facilities management.

History of the workplace

A walk through the history of the workplace reveales striking images.

What was once the private domain of the employee has now become a workplace that no longer has a sacred status. The employee as “owner” of a workplace or exclusive possessor of the key of a luxury privatte office is a thing of the past.

The safe environment of the private office is changed for a variety of different workplaces, tailored to the type of activity.

A working environment that actually works!

An exciting development in which we see differences per sector. Where many commercial organisations have already made the change we see healthcare, education and other public services lagging behind. It is expected that they will catch up in the next decade.

Within the sector of professional services a number of business now have undergone a transformation. A fascinating process in which culture, communication and change management come into place. A change of paradigm seems imminent


When it comes to working within an office building the paradigm seems to change. The availability of apps, the success of skype and other digital gadgets actually mean the end of the traditional workplace. More modern views on work within the society will do the rest. Work is no longer a symbol for being in the same place in an office building all the time. Employees are more and more aware of where they want to work. Some times in a roadside restaurant and other times in the office. So perhaps it is time to consider to refurbish your office in Newcastle to be prepared for the future?


In addition to this there is the arrival of generation Z, to follow up the Millenials and a new reality is born.

Finally we see a development where the population within the office is increasingly diverse. In addition to the emplyed staff, the office of the future will be populated by so-called ‘multi workers’. These employees are self-employed professionals and other groups of flex-workers that temporarily use the building and fly out after completion of a project.

So this is an additional challenge for the facility manager who wants to know who is in and what facilities are needed and in use. These are developments that call for the joining of forces with colleagues from HRM and ICT. Managing the working environment has become a multidisciplinary issue where psychology (people skills), technology and comfort go hand in hand. The new way of working with agile working as new holy grail is the future of work in Newcastle. More project-based, more teams, more result-oriented in order to contribute to the success of the organisation.

The traditional role of ICT technician evaporates

A new role of the facility manager seems to be born. The traditional role of ICT technician evaporates. New roles that feature work experience management or project management methods are gaining ground. With the main mission: to design and fit-out a working environment that works and meets the needs of the employee of the future!